Diet in Psoriasis

Diet in Psoriasis: Explore dietary strategies and foods that may help manage psoriasis symptoms and promote skin health.

“Excess is always harmful this universal principle holds true for our body cells too.”

Usually in a healthy human body ,new skin cell replaces the old cell inb10 to 30 days but for few the new skin cell build up in 3 to 5 days only, resulting the old skin deposit as scale over the new one and also causes severe inflammation.

This hyper active mode of cells can be medically termed as psoriasis . Although psoriasis is not contagious but may transfer through genes in heredity.

When you have psoriasis, reducing triggers is an important part of managing your condition and avoiding flare-ups. Psoriasis flare-ups can be caused by a variety of triggers. These triggers may include bad weather, excess stress, and certain foods.

Diet plays an important role in dealing with psoriasis.

Foods to avoid –

  1. Red meat and dairy
  2. Gluten
  3. processed meats ,any processed foods high in sugar, salt, and fat
  4. Foods to avoid include:
  5. tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants and peppers
  6. Alcohol

Foods to eat if you have psoriasis

  1. Fruits and vegetables – broccoli, cauliflower and leafy greens ams fruits as berries
  2. Fatty fish
  3. oils that have a higher ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids.

If you are detected with psoriasis , you need to understand what goes in your stomach reflects on your skin. You shold be strict on your diet and seek expert guidance to avoid the worsening of the conditions.

Do not allow ingredients to trigger the inflammation.

For nutritional assistance,  feel free to connect with Nutrishilp

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