PCOD? No Problem!

PCOD? No Problem!: Effective lifestyle changes, dietary tips, and management strategies to help you cope with PCOD and improve your health

Dear Cysters,

“You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have “

Let’s explore PCOD

PCOD Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD)

Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD) is a medical condition in women, ovaries produce many immature or partially mature eggs, over time may become cysts on the ovaries.

It was first recognized by physician Antonio Vallisneri in 1721 in Italy.

How common is PCOD in India?

PCOD is steadily on a rise in India. More and more teenagers suffer from PCOD because of lead sedentary lifestyles, irregular dietary habits,obesity, stress and hormonal imbalance.

This hormonal condition affects approximately 5- 10% of women in their childbearing ages (12 to 45-years). While the prevalence of PCOD differs, it affects around 9% to 22% of Indian women.

Common Symptoms of PCOD

The preliminary signs and symptoms of PCOD usually develop during the first cycle of menstruation at puberty. PCOD may also develop later due to increased weight over the years.

As the hormones of a woman go out of balance which creates various symptoms, including the

  • absence of ovulation,
  • irregular menstrualcycle,
  •  difficulty conceiving,
  • weight gain,
  • acne and
  • Hair thinning and abnormal growth of hair on a woman’s face and body medically known as hirsutism.

If left untreated, can lead to further health complications, like diabetesobesity, heart diseases, and high cholesterol.

What causes Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD)?

Family History

Insulin resistance & Lifestyle

Factors of Insulin Resistance:

  • Insulin resistance as a result of genetic factors
  • Insulin resistance as a result of being overweight (related to diet and inactivity)
  • A combination of both of these factors



Why is PCOD on the Rise these Days?

In the last two decades, more and more women have complained of suffering from PCOD. In India, nearly 18% to 20% of women of fertile age suffer from PCOD. In fact more and more teenagers are suffering from PCOD. There are debates on what is leading to a rise in the cases of PCOD. One of the most common causes is their lifestyle which includes exposure to high levels of stress, lack of exercise, erratic eating habits and lack of proper sleep. The second most common cause is obesity, which is a direct result of a sedentary lifestyle as excessive screen time over smartphone, junk food, abrupt day schedule etc.

How does NUTRISHILP help?

When a patient realizes that she is undergoing PCOD and she searches it over internet for the cure, she comes to known that ITS NOT CURABLE, this adds to agony of the patient, it multiplies her mental frustration whereas the PCOD is easily reversable through diet and lifestyle modification thus when ‘She’ consults NUTRISHILP, we follow following approaches –


Although it’s not curable in general sense of world but it is reversible and managing the symptoms can improve the quality of life. PCOD is much due to the lifestyle so we hit the root cause and do alteration in the same.

The conditions as mood swings, anxiety are dealt with emotional support and counselling.

In absence of expert guidance, patients often tend to believe the myths cooked up around PCOD, we help them to break the following myths and motivates them towards the right direction of YES,And I CAN DO IT!

PCOD: Myths

  • Polycystic ovaries mean that there are cysts in the ovaries

Polycystic ovaries do not mean cysts in the ovaries. On the other hand, the ovary is lined with immature follicles which appear like a line of pearls on the ovaries. However, it is also true that at times, some patients do not outwardly show the presence of multiple cysts in the ovaries.

  • Only birth control pills can regulate periods

Birth control pills may regulate periods but they are not the only options for controlling the symptoms of PCOD. There are other medicines, herbals and home remedies that can help with the same symptoms.

  • PCOD cause infertility

PCOD does not cause infertility. Yes, getting pregnant with PCOD may become difficult, but the right medication can help improve ovulation and help women get pregnant. However, it is also possible that women get pregnant without any aid and with PCOD.

  • It is impossible to lose weight

It is not impossible to lose weight. Yes, everybody responds differently. But given the correct diet and proper exercise, women with PCOD can reduce weight. Even a loss of 3% of their body weight, can help improve the symptoms of PCOD.



· Dealing with the big challenge of Insulin resistance –

High-fiber foods can help combat insulin resistance by slowing down digestion and reducing the impact of sugar on the blood. Great options for high-fiber foods include broccoli, cauliflower and sprouts, red leaf lettuce, green and red peppers, beans and lentils, tomatoes, spinach, almonds and walnuts, olive oil, fruits, such as blueberries and strawberries, and fatty fish high in omega-3 fatty acids, such as salmon. Lean protein sources like tofu, chicken and fish don’t provide fiber but are filling and a healthy dietary option for women with PCOD.

· Reduce sugars and carbohydrates

The ideal diet consists of a variety of foods from various food groups— SAY NO TO PACKAGED FOOD, avoid sugary drinks , Because carbohydrates are broken down into sugar, it’s helpful to limit the amount you consume. Try to avoid refined carbs, which are found in processed foods, especially white flour, rice, potatoes, and sugar.

· Manage Weight

Many, but not all, women with PCOD are overweight. Over time, they may become obese. That can lead to many health problems, including infertility, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Even a 5% reduction in body weight can help reduce the symptoms significantly. At Nutrishilp one receives recipes of healthy dishes, salads, smoothies which makes this breaks the monotony of weight loss regime.


Regular exercise has many benefits in treating PCOD. It helps you combat obesity by burning calories and building muscle mass, which decreases insulin resistance. Exercise can also help lower cholesterol levels and those of other hormones, such as testosterone.

“YES YOU CAN DO IT! Don’t come under the pressure of ‘no cure’ for PCOD, a balanced Lifestyle under proper guidance definitely helps to manage the symptoms and fight back PCOD.”


Dietitian & Wellness Expert