White Discharge and Vaginal Hygiene

White Discharge and Vaginal Hygiene: Understanding the causes of white discharge and tips for maintaining proper vaginal health.

White Discharge and Vaginal Hygiene

What is milky white discharge?

Your vaginal discharge may become thinner and milky white in colour at the beginning of your menstrual cycle. Usually, this indicates that your body is gearing up for ovulation.

Similarly, this milky white vaginal discharge can be an indicator of pregnancy. The change in cervical discharge is caused by the body’s hormones, which are preparing your body for pregnancy.

In some cases, it may indicate an overgrowth of yeast and sexually transmitted infections also.

Is white discharge normal?

The name for this discharge is leukorrhea and it’s completely normal to experience it throughout much of your menstrual cycle.  Most women experience some leukorrhea during their menstrual cycle and the volume increases in early pregnancy.

Vaginal discharge helps to keep the walls of the vagina moist and helps sperm travel to the cervix. The discharge is heavily influenced by the hormones in your reproductive system which is why it changes in colour and consistency through your menstrual cycle and pregnancy.

White discharge is almost always normal, but there can be a few other conditions that can cause milky white discharge, lets us understand how to tell the difference between what’s “normal” and “unhealthy”.

Yeast Infection

When your vaginal discharge is milky white in colour but is thick and clumpy in texture, it may be a sign of a yeast infection. The discharge caused by a yeast infection is white or off-white and often resembles cottage cheese.

Yeast infections are caused by an overgrowth of candida, or yeast, that grows naturally in the vagina. This can happen when the vagina is not kept clean and dry (for example, if you sit too long in a wet bathing suit) or, less frequently, due to problems with the immune system (such as diabetes). Because of hormonal changes, they are also more common during pregnancy and can indirectly affect your fertility.


If you are seeing a greater volume of milky white discharge than usual and recently had unprotected sex, it could be a sign of early pregnancy. Leukorrhea — the milky white discharge you experience throughout your menstrual cycle — often increases in volume during early pregnancy.

This change in vaginal discharge is caused by hormonal changes in the early days of pregnancy. Your vaginal discharge plays an essential role in protecting your pregnancy, by keeping harmful bacteria out of the cervix and preventing infections.

While milky white discharge can be normal in pregnancy, it’s also important to note that thick, white, clumpy discharge during pregnancy can be caused by a yeast infection.

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)

For some women, milky white discharge isn’t normal and their discharge may appear clear or off-white throughout most of their menstrual cycle. Whenever your vaginal discharge does not look the way it usually does, there is a risk that you may have an infection. Using a barrier like a condom or dental dam is the best way to prevent STIs. If you recently had unprotected sex with a new partner, it’s important to get tested for STIs, especially if you notice unusual discharge. STIs like gonorrhoea and chlamydia need to be caught and treated promptly since they can lead to infertility if left untreated.

How can you treat white discharge?

In the off case that your milky white discharge is abnormal, or if you find it bothersome, there are some things you can do to get rid of it. Here are a few ways to treat or prevent milky white discharge.

Probiotic Supplements

If you struggle with recurrent vaginal infections or other discharge issues, it can help to enrich your diet with probiotics. These beneficial organisms grow naturally in the vagina and help maintain a healthy ph.

You can find probiotics in certain foods and yoghurt, kimchi, sauerkraut, and other fermented foods are filled with them. You can consult Nutrishilp for a dietary supplement containing probiotics.


When the milky white discharge is caused by an infection, the only way to treat it is with the appropriate medication.

The treatment for a yeast infection is an antifungal medication. This can take the form of an intravaginal suppository or ointment, If you are dealing with a STIs like chlamydia or gonorrhoea, you will need to take antibiotics.

Vaginal Hygiene

You can prevent many infections and steer clear of excessive vaginal discharge by taking proper care of your vagina and vulva.

The vagina maintains a certain pH, which can be thrown off by hygiene products containing fragrances or chemicals. To keep it clean “down there,” use an unscented, gynaecologist-tested soap on the vulva only. You should never use scented sprays or douches, nor should you ever wash inside the vagina.

Always change out of swimsuits and sweaty gym clothes ASAP to prevent yeast infections, as yeast can overgrow when the vagina is in a damp environment. You should also wear 100% cotton underwear to keep the vagina clean and dry.

There are many FAQs about white discharge as –

What does white discharge mean for fertility and pregnancy?

What does white discharge mean for vaginal health?

When should you see a doctor about white discharge?

Health experts at Nutrishilp will be happy to help and guide you, feel free to connect with Team Nutrishilp @ 7581921000 or [email protected].